
Hondsdol @Toekomstmuziek (Live Band Showcase)

Hondsdol @Toekomstmuziek (Live Band Showcase)

This Saturday the 11th of March we are proud to present a crazy cool line-up of local bands!!! Get ready to rock, dance, be amazed, hug, cheer and love!!


15.30 – Doors open
16.00 – Mankes >> Instagram
16.45 – Green Policy >> Instagram
17.30 – Psychose >> Youtube/Instagram
18.15 – Instrumental Disorder  >> Website
19.00 – OATS >> Instagram
19.45 – DJ Emilio Valentien

During the concerts we have some wonderful Indonesian food for you to enjoy!:-p The kitchen is open from 17.00 – 21.00h!

Hope to see you Saturday!❤️

Food: Yes!! We have a kitchen as well with very nice Indonesian Toko Food!:-p
Location: Toekomstmuziek, Danzigerbocht 29, Amsterdam
Entrance: €5,- >> Eventbrite
Time: From 15.00 until 21.00h