
In Concert: Basic Electric

In Concert: Basic Electric

The band Basic Electric arose in Amsterdam during the dark times of 2020. Luckily, that darkness is hard to find in their colorful aesthetic and playful sound. Unable to perform, they decided to work on writing songs, a lot of songs. In less then a year, the three members of the band released their first single “voodoo”, with many more to come. Their music is wicked loud and infectiously dancable, and it’s only a matter of time until they get their chance to conquer the stage. And when they do… you better prepare your ass!


Entrance is free/donation based. 100% of the donation go to the musicians and 10% of the bar- and kitchen revenue. Hope to see you this Thursday!❤️

Food: Yes!! We have a kitchen as well with very nice Indonesian Toko Food!:-p)
Date: 26th of January
Time: 21.00h
Location: Toekomstmuziek, Danzigerbocht 29, Amsterdam
Entrance: Free/donation based