In Concert: Open Einde

In Concert: Open Einde

With roots founded in New York City and transplanted to Amsterdam, Backseat Prophets are a unique four piece indie rock band making their European debut, and their recent single Nothing Comes Out recently peaked at #1 on the national Two Minute Show on Pinguin Radio.

The band features all original material, three vocalists, and prophecies wildly emanating from the back seat. They record exclusively on an analogue 2 inch tape machine built in the late 1960’s in order to capture the warmest possible tones for their chill analogue vibes.

Influences range from 70’s sounds such Big Star and the Kinks, all the way to Artic Monkeys and Kings of Leon — with power pop influences such as The Who and Tom Petty. Between studio recordings they can be seen live in and around Amsterdam, and their new EP drops right before Christmas 2023.

Date: 19th of April
Time: 21.15h
Location: Toekomstmuziek, Danzigerbocht 29, Amsterdam
Entrance: Free/donation based